新游戏 > 全球新游 > 异形收费太贵 美服玩家抵制《英雄联盟》商品

异形收费太贵 美服玩家抵制《英雄联盟》商品

发布时间:2012-10-02 12:58 来源:未知 作者:


原文:Riot is testing the waters with this new skin. They're upping the price on us to see if we'll still buy it. If everyone buys this new skin we can expect all new skins from here on out to come at the new increased price. Vote with your wallet people, tell Riot this is unacceptable。



RIOT的官方回复:our business model has to be player-focused as well; it's more important in a F2P game. RP sales aren't a "given," so if people feel gouged, or the product isn't worth the price, that's the worst thing we can do - both ways. Players hate it, the business suffers, lose-lose. It's actually a really honest business model...we make players happy, we both win. We fail to do so, everyone loses。



TAG标签: 英雄联盟 收费贵

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