新游戏 > 全球新游 > 《最终幻想14》两大城市和世界地图公开(图)


发布时间:2010-05-20 13:13 来源:52pk整理 作者:

今天,《最终幻想14》放出Ul'dah、Limsa Lominsa(海之都)和Cridania的logo和并公开了其中2大城市Ul'dah和Gridania的背景资料,并公开了《最终幻想14》世界地图。



Ul Limsa Lominsa Cridania

Ul'dah                                                   Limsa Lominsa                                                 Cridania



“The bustling commercial hub of Ul’dah sits amid the desolate desert landscape of southern Aldenard. The city is organized strategically around the dome-shaped citadel at its center. Its towering fortifications and protective outer walls are visible for malms in all directions, and serve as a stark deterrent to would-be besiegers.

Visitors from every corner of Eorzea come to Ul’dah to partake of the city’s famed recreation, most notably the fighting arenas and gambling halls. Ul’dahn culture is known for its affluence, and the wealth of the nation comes in large part from its abundant mineral resources and prestigious clothcrafting industry.

Historically, it is the sultan who claims sovereignty over Ul’dah, but true power is wielded by the Syndicate, an elite group of six of the most influential and richest members of society. Nald’thal is the patron deity of the city, and two great halls, devoted to his two aspects, can be found in the eastern and western sections of the city.”



“In the eastern reaches of the Aldenard landmass, home to vast, dense woodlands and coursing rivers, lies the forest nation of Gridania. The cityscape is a mosaic of labyrinthine waterways and great wooden structures, so gracefully constructed they seem a part of the surrounding environment.

The Gridanian emphasis on natural harmony has led to its preeminence among Eorzea’s city-states in trades such as forrestry, agriculture, carpentry, and leatherworking. Gridania is also home to the Wood waileers, a militant band of polearm-wielding sentries charged with the protection of their homeland.

The favored goddess of the citizenry is Nophica, the Matron, but great faith is also placed in the wisdom of the Seedseers – your oracles who guided the nation based on the will of the forest’s elementals.”


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