新游戏 > 全球新游 > 魔兽世界电影定名为:《巫妖王的崛起》


发布时间:2009-10-04 12:57 来源:52pk整理 作者:


根据IMDB的消息,电影将在某种程度上以魔兽世界的场景为基础,小说《巫妖王的崛起》由Christie Golden撰写,其中包含从魔兽争霸III:混乱之治到冰封王座的主线。


The film is approximately slated for 2011 according to IMDB.

This title gives us an idea that the film will be somehow based on some of the scenes of World of Warcraft: Rise of the Lich King novel by Christie Golden, which contains heavy references to scenes from Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

A film based on Arthas as a main figure is definitely attractive to the audience, either to fans or to viewers new to the fantasy storyline.

The life of Arthas is one saturated of tragic things that led him to take different type of choices.

Some that drove him to the brink of insanity, shredding away the last vestiges of his humanity, taking an oath to give up his soul if he was empowered to slay the enemy that destroyed his land, and if it allowed him to save his people by wielding the runesword known as Frostmourne.



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